Andre CronjeBuilding in #DeFi sucksNot a sensationalist title, honestly it sucks. It’s expensive, the community is hostile, the users are entitled.Feb 29, 20205Feb 29, 20205
InimTokenbyNIC Lin合約開發框架 Foundry 介紹及使用心得imToken 最近將合約開發框架從 Hardhat 換成 Foundry,此篇文章將分享 Foundry 使用心得並順便推廣 Foundry。Jul 18, 2022Jul 18, 2022
0xSklyInside Balancer Contracts — RecoveryModeBalancer Labs introduces a new mechanism to secure user funds in emergency situations. This is a technical insight into the RecoveryMode…Jul 14, 2022Jul 14, 2022
Medieval DaoERC721Psi: A truly scalable NFT implementation for low-gas on-chain applications and randomized…Author: 0xEstarriolFeb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022
InZengo WalletbyTal Be'eryWithout Permit: Multichain’s exploit explainedA few days ago Multichain’s users were hacked by several attackers groups, all abusing the same vulnerability in Multichain (previously…Jan 23, 20221Jan 23, 20221
InTaipei Ethereum MeetupbyNIC Lin[zkp 讀書會] Cairo 語言介紹Cairo 是 STARK 證明系統的其中一個編程語言,讓開發者能透過 Cairo 來使用 STARK,撰寫效能更高的 DappJun 28, 2021Jun 28, 2021
InOpynbyopynOpyn ETH Put Exploit Post MortemThis post provides information about the Opyn oETH put exploit.Aug 11, 2020Aug 11, 2020
InTrueFi EngineeringbyMarek KirejczykPragmatic smart contracting (TDD, Pairing, Waffle & Buidler)With major security incidents popping up at least several times a year, an obvious question might arise: What would be a pragmatic…Oct 13, 2020Oct 13, 2020
InHAECHI AUDITbyMatthew Minseok KimEthereum Smart Contract & Test Driven DevelopmentThis article is written to summarize various tools HAECHI LABS has used for smart contract development. And, anyone can access the code…Jun 25, 2018Jun 25, 2018